Blog Archive

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Famed Leaf Lines

Big LineGordie Drillion -Syl Apps-Nick MetzBrat LineTiger Williams-Jack Valiquette-Pat BoutetteClothes Line (Jokingly called Puke Line)Gerry James-Duke Edmundson-Johnny WilsonCyclone LineBob Davidson-Art Jackson- Nick MetzDAD LineGordie Drillion-Syl Apps- Bob DavidsonFlyin' Forts LineBud Poile-Gus Bodnar- Gaye StewartGEM LineGary Leeman-Ed Olczyk-Mark OsborneHEM LineBilly Harris-Gerry Ehman-Frank MahovlichHound LineWendel Clark-Gary Leeman-Russ CourtnallHusky LineHarry Watson-Billy Taylor-Cal GardnerKid LineJoe Primeau-Charlie Conacher-Harvey JacksonKid Line (Second)Ted Kennedy-Howie Meeker-Vic LynnKid LinePete Stemkowski-Ron Ellis-Brit SelbyKid LinePete Stemkowski-Jim Pappin-Bob PulfordKid Line (Later called the leftover line)Darryl Sittler-Denis Dupere-Rick KehoeKid LineRocky Saganiuk-John Anderson-Laurie BoschmanKLM LineHowie Meeker-Ted Kennedy-Vic LynnKSS LineTed Kennedy-Sid Smith-Tod SloanLife LineGeorge Armstorng-Jim Morrison-Jim ThomsonMAD LineNick Metz-Syl Apps-Gordie DrillionPPS LineJim Pappin-Bob Pulford-Pete StemkowskiRock Line or Yannigans LineDuke Edmundson-Gerry James-Johnny WilsonSAW LineTod Sloan-Harry Watson-George ArmstrongSloan LineTod Sloan-Dick Duff-George ArmstrongThree Aces LineTod Sloan-Dick Duff-George ArmstrongThree Feathers LineRay Timgren-Joe Klukay-Max BentleyTricky Trio LineVic Lynn-Ted Kennedy-Howie MeekerWing LineNorm Ullman-Floyd Smith-Paul HendersonThe Woolworth LinePep Kelly-Art Jackson-Nick Metz


Maple Leafs Player Nicknames

Jack Adams-"Jolly Jack"Claire Alexander-"The Milkman"Mike Allison- "Red";"Red Dog"Glenn Anderson-"Andy"John Anderson- "Andy"Lloyd Andrews-"Shrimp", "Andy"Dave Andreychuk-"Chuckie"Syl Apps- "Slippery Syl"Al Arbour-"Radar", "3-D", "Butch"Amos Arbour- "Butch"George Armstrong- "The Chief", "Army", "Chief Shoot-the-Puck" Norman Armstrong-"Red"Don Ashby- "Ants", "Ash"Bob Bailey- "Bashin' Bob"Irvine Bailey- "Ace"Earl Balfour- "Spider"Harold Ballard-"Pal Hal"Bill Barilko-"Bashin-Bill", "Dumb-Dumb"Aldege Bastien- "Baz"Andy Bathgate- "Handy Andy"Ken Baumgartner- "The Bomber"Bob Baun- "Boomer"Don Beaupre- "Bobo, "Donnie Bo"Alain Belanger-"Bam-Bam"Ken Belanger- "Dizzy", "Beast", "The Sandman"Pete Bellefeuille- "The Fleeting Frenchman", "French Pete"Jim Benning- "Benji"Max Bentley- "Dipsy Doodle Dandy from Delisle", "The Hat"Drake Berehowsky- "Bear"Tim Bernhardt- "Timber"Allan Bester- "The Beast", "Worm", "Ernie"Nick Beverly- "Slick Nick"Frank Bialowas- "The Animal"George Blair- "Dusty"Frank Blake- "Mickey"Mike Blasidell- "Blazer", "Wally"Fred Boimstruck- "Broomstick"Serge Boisvert- "Beaver"Leo Boivin- "Snake Hips"Frank Boll- "Buzz"Hugh Bolton- "Yug"Nikolai Borschevsky- "Stick", "Nick The Stick"Bruce Boudreau- "Gabby"Pat Boutette- "Bash", "Booter"Johnny Bower- "The China Wall"Carl Brewer- "Skitz"Walter Broda- "Turk", "Fatman", "Old Slippery"Arnie Brown- "Brownie"Jeff Brown- "Brownie"Jeff Brubaker- "Bru"Glenn Brydson- "Swampy"Mike Bullard- "The Bullet"Bill Burega- "Boogie"Dave Burrows- "Bone Rack"Garth Butcher- "Butch", "Strangler"Jerry Butler- "Bugsy", "Butts"Larry Cahan- "Hank", "Poison", "Big Hawk"Jim Cain- "Dutch"Harry Cameron- "Cammie"Wayne Carleton- "Swoop"Randy Carlyle- "Kitty"Al Carr- "Red"Larry Carriere- "The Hawk"Bill Carson- "Doc"Lorne Chabot- "Chabotsky", "Sad Eyes", "Old Bullwarks", "Beetle-Brow"Ed Chadwick- "Easy Ed", "Chad"Murph Chamberlain- "Old Hardrock"Kelly Chase- "Chaser"Gerry Cheevers- "Cheesey"Francis Clancy- "King"Terry Clancy- "Prince", "Whip"Wendel Clark- "Boomer"Sprague Cleghorn- "Peg"Ranleigh Collins- "Gary"Charles Conacher- "Pete"Charlie Conacher- "The Bomber", "Big Blue Bomber"Brandon Convery- "Connor"Bert Corbeau- "Pig Iron", "Con", "Husky"Harold Cotton- "Baldy", "Lucky"Russ Courtnall- "Rusty"Marcel Cousineau- "Couz"Danny Cox- "Silent Danny"Mike Craig- "Craiger"Russell Crawford- "Rusty"Jiri Crha- "George"Joe Crozier- "The Crow"Brian Curran- "The Colonel"Vincent Damphousse- "Vince", "Vinny", "The Vin-Meister"Dan Daoust- "Doo", "Dangerous Danny"Harold Darragh- "Howl"Bob Davidson- "Rugged"Clarence Day- "Hap", "Happy"Dale Degray- "Digger"Albert Demarco- "Ab"Corb Denneny- "Flash"Bill Derlago- "Billy D."Paul Dipietro- "Rocky"Tie Domi- "The Albanian Assassin"Ken Doraty- "Cagie"Jim Dorey- "Flipper"Dave Downie- "Wildcat"Gordie Drillon- "Lefty"Ken Dryden- "The Thinker", "Thieving Giraffe", "Octopus"Dick Duff- "Tricky Dick", "Duffy"Art Duncan- "Dunc"Frank Dunlap- "Judge", "Biff"Jerome Dupont- "Jerry", "J.D."Vitezslav Duris- "Slava"Cecil Dye- "Babe"Mike Eastwood- "Easty"Garry Edmundson- "Duke"Don Edwards- "Dart"Gerry Ehman- "Tex", "Dad"Dave Ellett- "Roy"Chris Evans- "Big Indian"Darryl Evans- "Reggie"Bill Ezinicki- "Wild Bill", "Ezzie"Doug Favell- "Favy"Tom Fergus- "Fergie"George Ferguson- "Chief"Frank Finnigan- "The Shawville Express", "Finny", "Fearless Frank"Ferdinand Flaman- "Fern"Bill Flett- "Cowboy"Jake Forbes- "Jumpin' Jackie"Jimmy Fowler- "The Blonde Bouncer"Miroslav Frycer- "Mirko"Grant Fuhr- "Coco", "Fuhrsie"Bruce Gamble- "Paladin", "Smiley Bates", "Smiley"Cal Gardner- "Ginger", "Red", "Torchy", "Pearly", "Finger"Ray Gariepy- "Rockabye Ray"Mike Garnter- "Garts"Todd Gill- "Giller", "Gillzy", "Thrill-Gill"Doug Gilmour- "Killer"Brian Glennie- "Blunt"Bob Goldham- "Golden Boy", "Mark I"Alex Gray- "Peanuts"John Grisdale- "Gris"Lloyd Gross- "The Bomber"Harold Halderson- "Slim"Bob Halkidis- "Hawk"Herb Hamel- "Hap"Pierre Hamel- "Lucky Pierre"Edward Hampson- "Ted"Dave Hannan- "Hanner"Gord Hannigan- "Hopalong"Pat Hannigan- "Hopalong"Billy Harris (1955-1965)- "Hinky"Bill Harris (1981-1984)- "Harry", "Harry-O"George Harris- "Duke"Jim Harrison- "Max"Glenn Healy- "Heals"Frank Heffernan- "Moose"Jimmy Herberts "Sailor"Bob Heron- "Red"Jamie Heward- "Hewey"Pat Hickey- "Hitch", "Wheels", "PJ"Mel Hill- "Sudden Death"Larry Hillman- "Morley"Andre Hinse- "Gypsy Joe"Jonas Hoglund- "Hogie"Benoit Hogue- "Benny"Frank Hollett- "Flash"Harry Holmes- "Hap", "Happy"Albert Holway- "Toots"George Horne- "Shorty"Reg Horner- "Red"Tim Horton- "Superman"Bronco Horvath- "Bones"Mike Hudson- "Huddy"Al Iafrate- "Ski's", "Wild Thing", "Alley Cat"Miroslav Ihnacak- "Miro"Peter Ing- "Inger", "Magnum"Johnny Ingoldsby- "Ding"Joe Ironstone- "Kelly"Harvey Jackson- "Busher"Jeff Jackson- "Jax", "Jessie"Edwin James- "Gerry"Pierre Jarry- "Pete"Jim Jarvis- "Bud"Roger Jenkins- "Broadway"Trevor Johansen- "Block"William Johnson- "Odd", "Bill"Eddie Johnston- "E.J.", "Ciggy"Alvin Jones- "Buck"Curtis Joseph- "CuJo", "Cloud Nine"Eddie Joyal- "The Jet"Bill Juzda- "The Honest Brakeman", "The Beast", "The Fireman" Rudolph Kampman- "Bingo"Alexander Karpovtsev- "Pottsy"Mel Keeling- "Butch"Larry Keenan- "Kiss"Leonard Kelly- "Red", "Cornflakes"Regis Kelly- "Pep"Stanley Kemp- "Bud"Bill Kendall- "Cowboy"Forbes Kennedy- "Spud"Ted Kennedy- "Teeder"Hec Kilrea- "Hurricane", "Hurricane Hec"Mark Kirton- "Kirt"Bill Kitchen- "Hobie"Joe Klukay- "The Duke of Paducah", "Kluke"Paul Knox- "Billy"Mark Kolesar- "Koly"Igor Korolev- "Iggy"Chris Kotsopoulos- "Kotsy"Mike Krushelnyski- "Krush", "Krusher", "Special K", "Cruiser", "Kruiser"Orland Kurtenbach- "Big Kurt", "The Boss"Nick Kypreos- "Kyper"Mark LaForest- "Trees"Rick Lanz- "Rico", "Lanzer"Michel Larocque- "Bunny"Guy Larose- "Rosie"Sylvain Lefebvre- "Sly"Alex Levinsky- "Mine Boy"Danny Lewicki- "Dashin' Danny"Bob Liddington- "Liddy"Ken Linseman- "The Rat", "16A"Ed Litzenberger- "Litz"Howie Lockhart- "Holes"Ron Low- "Low-Tide", "Worm"Harry Lumley- "Apple Cheeks"Fleming MacKell- "Mac", "Sukey", "Flame"Jamie Macoun- "Cooner"Daryl Maggs- "Maggsie", "Maggie"Frank Mahovlich- "Big M"Phil Maloney- "Gray Fox"Kent Manderville- "Mandy"Cesare Maniago- "Hail Cesare"Milan Marcetta- "Mike", "Millie"Brad Marsh- "Baby Huey"Willie Marshall- "The Whip"Matt Martin- "Marty"Brad Maxwell- "Bad Brad"Gil Mayer- "The Needle"Sheppard Mayer- "Shep"Bert McCaffrey- "Mac"Kevin McClelland- "Mac"Frank McCool- "Ulcers"John McCormack- "Goose"Dale McCourt- "Chief"Lanny McDonald- "Mac", "Big Mac"Wilfred McDonald- "Bucko"Bob McGill- "Big Daddy"John McIntyre- "Mac"Walt McKechnie- "McKetch", "Wake Up Walt"Don McKenny- "Slip"Jim McKenny- "Howie"Dave McLlwain- "Mac"Gord McRae- "The Bird"Gerry Meehan- "Dad"Howie Meeker- "Hurricane Howie"Harry Meeking- "Meek"Nick Metz- "Handy Andy"Rudy Migay- "Toy Terrier"John Mikol- "Jim"Dmitri Mironov- "Tree"Ivan Mitchell- "Mike"Fredrik Modin- "Coma"Lyle Moffat- "Muff"Sergio Momesso- "Mo"Gary Monahan- "Mondo"Dickie Moore- "Digging Dicker"Elwyn Morris- "Moe"Jim Morrison- "Moe"Gus Mortson- "Old Hardrock", "The Nugget", "The Gold Dust Twins" with Jimmy ThomsonKirk Muller- "Captain Kirk", "Mulzy"Harry Mummery- "Mum"Larry Murphy- "Murphs"Ric Nattress- "Stash"Zdenek Nedved- "Zed"Bob Neely- "Waldo"Eric Nesterenko- "Sonja", "Elbows", "Nester"Bob Nevin- "Nevvy", "Stretch"Frank Nighbor- "Dutch", "The Flying Dutchman", "The Pembroke Peach", "The Pembroke Pippin"Gary Nylund- "Beaker"Gerry O' Flaherty- "Flapper"Ed Olczyk- "Eddie O"Murray Oliver- "Muzz"Tom O' Neill- "Windy"Mark Osborne- "Ozzie"Wilf Paiement- "Wilf", "Piment" (Pepper)Mike Palmateer- "The Popcorn Kid", "Iron Mike", "Palmy"Jim Pappin- "Pappy"Bernie Parent- "Benny"Jean-Paul Parise- "Jeep", "J.P."George Parsons- "Bubs", "Cannonball"George Patterson- "Paddy"Scott Pearson- "Pearse"Mike Pelyk- "Mike Mikita", "Kita", "Mad Mike"Michel Petit- "Mike Small"Eric Pettinger- "Cowboy"Pierre Pilote- "The Bantam Bouncer", "Pete"Jacques Plante- "Jake the Snake", "The Innovator"Walt Poddubny- "Sarge"Norman Poile- "Bud"Felix Potvin- "The Cat"Walter Pratt- "Babe", "The Honest Brakeman", "The Big Pussycat" Eric Prentice- "Doc"Wayne Presley- "Elvis"Joe Primeau- "Gentleman Joe", "Little Joe", "The Gentleman"George Prodgers- "Goldie"Bob Pulford- "Pully"Darren Puppa- "AU31", "Winnie The Pooh", "Poops", "Puppy", "Poodle", "Puppa Scoopa"Joel Quenneville- "Q-Man", "Herbie"Pat Quinn- "The Mighty Quinn", "The Tree", "The Irish Enforcer" Rob Ramage- "Baby Bull", "Rammer"Jeff Reese- "Reeser", "The Peanut Butter Boy"Reg Reid- "Rusty"Damian Rhodes- "Dusty", "The Peroixde Kid"John Roach- "Little Napolean", "The Port Perry Woodpecker"Mickey Roach- "Port"Al Rollins- "Ally"Elwin Romnes- "Doc"Bill Root- "Rooter"Jim Rutherford- "Roach", "Rut"Warren Rychel- "Bundy"Ray Saganiuk- "Rocky"Rick St. Croix- "The Saint"Borje Salming- "BJ", "King"Phil Samis- "Smashin"Terry Sawchuk- "Ukey", "Saw"David Schriner- "Sweeney"Rod Schutt- "Shooter"Al Secord- "Big Al", "Rocky"Ron Sedlbauer- "Seds"Rod Seiling- "Sod"Brit Selby- "Panda"Brad Selwood- "Rags"Dave Semenko- "Cement", "Cementhead", "Sammy"Eddie Shack- "The Entertainer", "Fast Eddie", "Clown Prince Of Hockey"Dave Shand- "Sugar"Darryl Shannon- "Shanny"Don Simmons- "Dippy", "Dumbo"Darryl Sittler- "Sitt"Alf Skinner- "Dutch"Tod Sloan- "Slinker", "Trigger"Al Smith- "The Bear", "Fat Albert"Brad Smith- "Smitty", "Motor City Smitty"Floyd Smith- "Smitty"Gary Smith- "Suitcase", "Axe"Sid Smith- "Muff"Rod Smylie- "Doctor"Bob Solinger- "Solly"Brian Spencer- "Spinner"Chris Speyer- "Duke"Jesse Spring- "Jess"Allan Stanley- "Silent Sam", "Snowshoes", "Red", "Big Sam", "Sam" Wally Stanowski- "The Whirling Dervish", "The Hat"Marian Stastny- "Mariano"Pete Stemkowski- "Stemmer", "The Magnetic Pole", "Polish Prince" Gaye Stewart- "Box Car", "The Gaye One"Ron Stewart- "Stewie"Blaine Stoughton- "Stash"Billy Stuart- "Red", "Ginger"Frank Sullivan- "Sully"Mats Sundin- "Sudden", "Weed"Rich Sutter- "Sutts"Billy Taylor- "The Kid"Greg Terrion- "Tubby"Gilles Thibaudeau- "T-Bone", "Bud"Steve Thomas- "Stumpy"Errol Thompson- "Spud", "Curly"Jimmy Thomson- "Jeems", "The Gold Dust Twins" with Gus Mortson Scott Thornton- "Thorty"Ray Timgren- "Golden Boy", "Mark II"Guy Trottier- "The Mouse"Ian Turnbull- "Bull", "Bobby Hawk"Norm Ullman- "Noisy"Garry Unger- "Iron Man"Rick Vaive- "Squid"Jack Valiquette- "Hector", "Big Jack"Mike Walton- "Shaky"Rick Wamsley- "Wammer", "Gump"Harry Watson- "Whipper"Stan Weir- "Stash"Blake Wesley- "Red", "Carrott"Dave Williams- "Tiger"Carol Wilson- "Cully"Dunc Wilson- "The Rebel"John Wilson- "Iron Man"Ron Wilson- "Dog"Ross Wilson- "Lefty"Ken Wreggett- "Mikey"Terry Yake- "Yaker"Gary Yaremchuk- "Weasel"Ken Yaremchuk- "Yammer"Ron Zanussi- "Zoo"

Big LineGordie Drillion -Syl Apps-Nick MetzBrat LineTiger Williams-Jack Valiquette-Pat BoutetteClothes Line (Jokingly called Puke Line)Gerry James-Duke Edmundson-Johnny WilsonCyclone LineBob Davidson-Art Jackson- Nick MetzDAD LineGordie Drillion-Syl Apps- Bob DavidsonFlyin' Forts LineBud Poile-Gus Bodnar- Gaye StewartGEM LineGary Leeman-Ed Olczyk-Mark OsborneHEM LineBilly Harris-Gerry Ehman-Frank MahovlichHound LineWendel Clark-Gary Leeman-Russ CourtnallHusky LineHarry Watson-Billy Taylor-Cal GardnerKid LineJoe Primeau-Charlie Conacher-Harvey JacksonKid Line (Second)Ted Kennedy-Howie Meeker-Vic LynnKid LinePete Stemkowski-Ron Ellis-Brit SelbyKid LinePete Stemkowski-Jim Pappin-Bob PulfordKid Line (Later called the leftover line)Darryl Sittler-Denis Dupere-Rick KehoeKid LineRocky Saganiuk-John Anderson-Laurie BoschmanKLM LineHowie Meeker-Ted Kennedy-Vic LynnKSS LineTed Kennedy-Sid Smith-Tod SloanLife LineGeorge Armstorng-Jim Morrison-Jim ThomsonMAD LineNick Metz-Syl Apps-Gordie DrillionPPS LineJim Pappin-Bob Pulford-Pete StemkowskiRock Line or Yannigans LineDuke Edmundson-Gerry James-Johnny WilsonSAW LineTod Sloan-Harry Watson-George ArmstrongSloan LineTod Sloan-Dick Duff-George ArmstrongThree Aces LineTod Sloan-Dick Duff-George ArmstrongThree Feathers LineRay Timgren-Joe Klukay-Max BentleyTricky Trio LineVic Lynn-Ted Kennedy-Howie MeekerWing LineNorm Ullman-Floyd Smith-Paul HendersonThe Woolworth LinePep Kelly-Art Jackson-Nick Metz

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